In combination, it might be
advised to learn physics/graphics for the hard materials. Likewise, other
subjects could be combined.
Automotive would be hands on
first. Do everything first and study in depth later. Studying different
types of file or screwdriver after having used them is far more natural than
reading about them in a book and drawing pictures of them before being used.
Indeed, there is no need
to draw different types of screwdriver in your exercise book. I know what
they are, and I have never needed to draw one. Likewise spanners and
sockets. Use first; learn theory later.
It might be wise to briefly
study an engine before pulling one apart, but leave the detailed study for
later, after a few have been pulled apart and rebuilt. Switch the logic and
keep it interesting and practical. The aim ought not to be to study one engine
in detail but to study many different engines, picking up detail naturally
as you progress.
An interesting mid-year project for a
small group might be: carefully pull a motorcycle, outboard, jetski or small car apart in a day, every nut and
bolt; rebuild it in two; then, see if everything still works as it should.
Each year, the cohort should do
different projects, not just rebuilding the same old engine or car or bike each